Little boy kicking feet over head on couch

New and Exciting Things Ahead – Family Documentary Photography


We wanted to take a quick moment and update all of you on some of the new and exciting things coming very soon for Sham of the Perfect in 2016.

1. We are getting a grown up website! This blog will still be here, and you will still be able to find us at the same spot on Facebook and Instagram, but soon we will be able to link you to our new and improved home on the internet.   

2. Sham of the Perfect will continue to be sharing your images on our Facebook page and posting a top 5 on our blog monthly.  However, we are now accepting Documentary Favorites so that we can see your best and favorite work all day, everyday.  

3.  There are going to be new opportunities for you to be featured!  We will still accept portfolio submissions for featured artists, but we will also be accepting submissions for personal projects, sessions, as well as, a new critique feature where you can submit a photo and ask for critiques from 3 of our collective contributors!  

We are so excited to have you all with us for 2016!

Little boy kicking feet over head on couch


mother brushes daughters hair

Get in the Picture – Community

Facebook Community Posts

It was so nice to take a peek into your lives with our last theme of 2015, Get in the Picture.  This theme’s top honor goes to Justin Curran Photography.  Make sure to check our her page as well as pages of the rest of our top 5.

mother brushes daughters hairJustine Curran Photography


woman nurses on chair in window lightSweet Rose Elise Photography
Mother and daughter brush teeth Lauren Mitchell Photography
mom helps child on bike in sunshineAnnie Robert, Photographe
mother drinks coffee with slinged babyEmily Rainsford, Photographer


For 2016 we will be simplifying things and will be running a monthly Top 5 our favorite documentary images.  So please keep posting your favorites our Facebook page!  We sincerely hope you are enjoying the holiday season and can’t wait to see what you share with us in 2016!