What is Documentary Photography?

Contributor Articles

Here at Sham of the Perfect we talk a lot about documentary photography. It’s on our home page, our info page, we ask for it on our submission page, as well as, on facebook and instagram. However you may be left wondering what exactly is documentary photography? In short, documentary photography refers to the approach of photographing something exactly as it is without any interference or direction from the photographer.

Here’s a little secret about documentary photography: you cannot tell just by looking at a photo as to if it was taken using a documentary approach or not. While there are definitely characteristics of a photo which make it obviously not documentary, there is no one thing you can point to confirm if a photo followed the documentary guidelines. Not sure what I mean? Here are some of my photos, some of which were taken using a documentary approach and some which were not. See if you can guess which is which. It’s not as easy as you might think.









Answer: 1, 3, & 4 are documentary, 2 & 5 are not

Well? How did you do?

The only people who know for sure if a photo was taken using a documentary approach are the photographer and the subject. For a photo to be considered truly documentary there has to be no art direction. That means the photographer is not asking the family to engage in a certain activity or dress a certain way. It even goes so far as the photographer is not turning on and off lights, opening windows, or moving objects around to get them in or out of the picture.

In documentary photography it is up to the photographer to do their best with the scene on hand. That can sound really restrictive, but I actually find it to be quite the opposite and once I fully embraced a documentary approach I found it incredibly freeing. My job is to do the best I can with what I have and beyond that to let it go. I approach a scene open to watching life as it unfolds. It is only when I do so that I can fully appreciate the story in front of me. That is not to say that a documentary photographer is simply taking snapshots and calling it a day, there are hundreds of little decisions that have to happen as you click the shutter to make the photo all you can.

Some say that the heart of documentary photography happens before you take the photo whereas in other genres, the decision making happens in post. In documentary photography there is no going into photoshop after the fact and taking out a light switch cover or removing a branch that intersects with someone’s head. You get what you got, and if you didn’t catch it in the moment then you either have to accept the photo as is (imperfections and all) or send it to the trash heap and move on.

Documentary photography is not just catching an in-between moment or when a photo looks messy & unposed. The approach has to be documentary from the start. The family is doing what they would do even if you weren’t there and they are wearing what they would if you weren’t there. For this reason some people see photos that have clean houses and made up families and think it can’t be documentary conversely they see a photo where everything isn’t tidy and outfits don’t coordinate and they think it has to be documentary, but that is not the case. There is no one way for a family to look or behave. What is true for one family does not apply across the board. You can see this play out in our collective posts. Some of us have homes that are well decorated and kept pretty tidy (I am not one of those people), while others of us have more toys and general mess strewn about. Some families tend to hang out at home, while some spend a lot of time outdoors.

Documentary photography comes from a place of non-judgement. There is no such thing as a family that is too boring. There is no need to fill a session with endless fun activities to elicit big emotions and reactions. It’s the job of a documentary photographer to see the humanity of our subjects as they are. From a lowly chipped coffee mug to a baby just a few hours old in the arms of their parents, the story is there and the documentary photographer aims to show it honestly while utilizing all the tools at hand to make it the best photo they possibly can.

To be a documentary photographer you have to believe that real life is enough. It doesn’t matter if you are photographing your own family, clients, shooting street, or doing a fine art project, the documentary approach can be used across the board. Become an observer of life and share the world as you see it through documentary photography.

woman wipes baby's nose - Documentary Family Photography

Community Post – December 2016

Facebook Community Posts

Here we are wrapping up another year of community images, and you all did not disappoint for the month of December!  December’s top honor goes to this cute little snotty nose from Allison Davila Photography.  Stop by her page, check out fantastic work, and make sure to show some love to the rest of December’s Top 5 as well.

woman wipes baby's nose - Documentary Family PhotographyAllison Davila Photography


kids antics in public bathroom - Documentary Family PhotographyStacey Ilyse Photography

Jewish kids in window at Chanukah - Documentary Family PhotographyBlimie T Photography

parents at home with twins - Documentary Family PhotographyElaina B. Photography

little girl hugs baby - Documentary Family PhotographyKatie McMenamin Photography


To see your photo here next month post your favorite documentary family images directly to our Facebook timeline. A new feature we will have starting next month is a round up of our favorite images from our Instagram feed! Use the hashtag #shamoftheperfect for a chance to be featured on IG.

Welcome to Sham of the Perfect 2017


Happy New Year, friends!

We are so excited to kick off Sham of the Perfect 2017!  We have a new website- take some time to poke around, you won’t be disappointed! We have some new awesome features that you will see on our blog in the upcoming weeks. And we have six new fabulous & talented contributors who have joined our group!

This year we, as a collective, we are mixing things up. We want to show you the absolute best of family documentary photography which means you will only see a collective post from us two times a month instead of every week.  Don’t worry though, we will be bringing you awesome content each and every week! This year we will have articles written by each and every one our contributors about topics you care about, such as: documentary photography, family, parenting, and being an artist.  Also, we will be adding a new community post every month.  This year in addition to our Facebook Community Top 5 we will now also have a Top 5 feature pulled from our Instagram account! So make sure you visit and submit your images there (use the hashtag #shamoftheperfect on Instagram and post right on our wall for Facebook).

Now let us introduce you to our 6 new & amazing contributors. Here they are in their own words:

Aniya Emtage Legnaro –

Aniya Emtage Legnaro - Documentary Family Photography ContributorHi there!
When I first heard of Sham of the Perfect, I sat back in my office chair and smiled. I seriously wanted to point a finger at all of the glorified photographic perfection and say “shame on you for making me feel horrible about my messy life!” I saw images from Sham of the Perfect of the most beautiful imperfection as photographers celebrated their real life that so many of us try to conceal. It was a breath of fresh air. I did a minor yelp when the opportunity came my way to join Sham of the Perfect, and I jumped on it. It is a group of honest, inspirational and extremely talented photographers who I am honored to share this platform with.

My name is Aniya Emtage Legnaro and I’m a wedding and family photographer living on a small rock in the Caribbean sea, called Barbados. I’ve got an amazing hubby, Matteo, two of the coolest kids, Adi and Ella, and we have two furries and 5 turtles. I specialize in documentary photography, and am currently dabbling in street photography. I love nothing more than surfing, traveling and reading.



Carrie Yuan – 

Carrie Yuan - Documentary Family Photography ContributorGreetings! My name is Carrie Yuan, and I am a photographer, mother, wife, and pharmacist making my home in Seattle, Washington. I’m drawn to documenting real life as it happens, when it’s “pretty” but mostly when it’s not. My experience as new mother did not fit the reverie I had conjured in my head during the long years my husband and I struggled with infertility. What began as a means of capturing cute photos of my oldest daughter, photography now is a way for me to honestly depict my experience as a mother. The secret, not-so-sexy parts that I never saw until I became one! The reality that we never wear coordinating outfits, never all have clean faces, we have screaming, crying, lots of laughter, and our fair share of tears (even from the adults), we’re exhausted and most of the time just barely holding on, and that’s the beautiful, honest truth. Being true to myself as an artist has allowed me to attract clients who want the same thing in their own family photographs, and I am so honored when they choose to let me into their real lives.

I fell in love with everything about Sham of the Perfect when it first crossed my radar almost 2 years ago. It’s a project that speaks directly to the kind of photography I aim to create, both for my clients and my own family. Needless to say, I was thrilled when they invited me to become a contributor in 2017. I am so excited to join the wealth of talent here!



Felicia Chang – 

Felicia Chang - Documentary Family Photography ContributorSham of the Perfect is a collective that lives and breathes everything that is about living life with honesty and representing the whole spectrum in photo. I cannot be prouder to be part of this amazing group and excited to create some space for this unique movement of documentary photography for families!

First, a little about me. I was born in a rural town in Borneo, Malaysia, went to school for 8 years in Singapore, and moved my life to be with my mom in Canada when I was 14. Give me enough to drink and I can do a mean Singlish accent :). Between then and now, I went through a lot of school, lived half of my 10 years in the arctic working as a diamond and gold geologist, and now I hail from the west coast (best coast) of Vancouver, BC. Here is where I have settled, close to the local mountains with my family (awesome hubs, sassy girls, sweetest schnoodle). My girls are both in full day school this year (allelujah!) so instead of feeling lots of free time, I have loaded it up. In fact, right now, it’s so overloaded that I am trying to practice essentialism. And I might like using parenthesis just a little.

So where does photography fit into all of this? I know I have a creative soul, but somewhere along the way of planning a career that was supposed to be practical and academic, I lost it. When I had my babies, a friend reminded me of picking up the camera and photography brought me back.

The business part of it is a little more of an unintended. I fell into it. People asked and offered to pay, so that’s how it started. Here is the part I never saw coming – that I could do this documentary thing and have it bring the happiness that it does. Don’t get me wrong. Business administration and logistics still suck balls but the shooting, the creating, the stories. It’s my heart. And having my girls watch the slideshows and say to me “mommy, you do good work and we love the stories you tell”, it always reassures me that this is what I am meant to do right now.



Leslie Kershaw – 

Leslie Kershaw - Documentary Family Photography ContributorI’m Leslie and I live in Washington DC with my husband Aaron and our three boys Zollie, Kingston and Kit. I work full-time, have a part-time photography business and my husband is a full-time student and stay at home dad. Our boys are 5, 3 and 1. I know it sounds so cliché, but time is flying by so fast, so I try to stay present and live in the moment;  I do this by documenting our everyday. Photographing our everyday life is my happy place. I gain a new perspective by capturing life through my children’s eyes. I see things I wouldn’t normally have noticed. My photography journey is very personal, but is also about telling their story. I’m excited about SoTP b/c I’m a firm believer in finding your tribe and gathering with like-minded people. SotP represents photographers from all over the world who want to break down the barriers surrounding the idea of the perfect family. We all know there is no such thing, but when we go online, it doesn’t feel that way. This project turns the idea of perfection on it’s head by showing the real. It’s refreshing to be able to showcase individuality and witness the unique stories of others.



Lisa Coker –

Lisa Coker - Documentary Family Photography ContributorI am a documentary family photographer in Sacramento, CA. I capture the joy, purity, and reality of family life. No posing, no directing, no setup. Just life as is. I have an amazing husband of 9 years, and three beautiful, active and sweet little toddlers that are my daily source of stress and inspiration. I’m so excited to be part of this talented group of photographers that also understand the value of capturing real life moments that many take for granted. Together I’m looking forward to pushing my artistry further, growing personally and professionally, as well as making meaningful connections with our group and our Sham of the Perfect audience.



Meg Pitts –

Hey y’all! I’m Meg, photographer at Meg Pitts Photography.

I’m married to my best buddy in the world,  Joe, and we have two amazingly awesome and equally crazy boys, Liam & Jude.

Way back in high school I picked up my dad’s old film Nikon SLR and learned about my love of photography. Then, when we brought our first little dude home, The Hubs gifted me my first Canon DSLR  (fun fact, we love adoption in our little fam… both our dudes came to us through adoption!)  My love grew and turned into a passion of documenting our family, the good, the bad, and all the beautiful mess of a little group we are. I want to remember the REAL life we lived, not just the picture perfect parts, so that’s my goal each day when I pick up my camera.

Last year I officially started my business and have loved documenting other families too ever since! I love helping people see that their lives, however mundane they think they are, are beautiful because they’re THEIRS and nobody else can say that.

I’m really excited to join Sham of the Perfect this year because I’ve loved following this group for a while and seeing how everyone documents their own worlds. The other photographers seem to share my love of documenting the real, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and all the true beauty of life. I’m also excited to learn more and grow more, as well as meet lots of amazing photographers!




We are so excited about all the things we have planned for 2017!  Most of all we are excited to have you following along with us! Here’s to a fantastic 2017!